Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi (born Andrea Almasi on the 5th of June 85 at Hendersonville, Tennessee) is an American Model and aspiring Actress. The model has been Briefcase Model No.19 on the premiere episode of the NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal that was telecast in December of 2005. Growing up living in Hendersonville, Tennessee as an awkward "tom-boy" wearing glasses and braces AJ had never believed this was something she could do yet, at the that she is a fan of it. A friend and family member told AJ that due to her "bubbly persona" she would be able to accomplish everything. Almasi transformed quickly into an attractive, beautiful model after she relocated from Italy to Los Angeles for a modeling as well as acting career. Aj Almasi (born Andrea Almasi) was an actress, famous for the films Deal or No Deal (2005) as well as Bikini Destinations (2003) as well as The Late Late Show featuring Craig Ferguson (2005). Aj Almasi is an actress and model, most famously for Deal or No Deal, Bikini locations (2003) as well as The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson, (2005). The actress stood up for Briefcase AJ and focuses on modeling and acting, and plans to continue doing so in L.A.

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